Phosphatidylcholine Therapy
Of the thousands of molecules that make up a cell, phosphatidylcholine (PC) is one of the most important and possibly, the most important molecule. PC is the primary substance of each cell’s membrane. The cell membrane is analogous to our skin that surrounds our body. However, in each cell there are essential sub-cells – mitochondria, nuclei and others – within the cell, and each one of these sub-cells has a similar cell membrane. The cell membrane can be looked at as the “Biochemical Essence of Life”, because other components of a cell may be damaged and the cell will live, however, if the cell membrane is damaged there will be immediate cell death. That is, if the cell membrane of a brain/spinal cord cell, heart cell, liver cell, immune cell is damaged, that function will cease to exist.
PC acts primarily on the heart and vascular/circulatory system by the following mechanisms:
- Reducing the LDL/HDL cholesterol ratio
- Binds and removes cholesterol/cholesterol plaque from tissue
- Reduces abnormal serum triglyceride levels
- Detoxifies the entire system
- Optimizes cell membrane bound enzyme systems
- Improves blood and microcirculation flow due to its incorporation in red blood cells and platelets.
The vascular system is ubiquitous, that is, it goes to every cell in the body because of its essential function of delivering oxygen and nutrients and removing waste. Therefore, because phosphatidylcholine acts primarily on the vascular system, it enhances all organ functions.
Phosphatidylcholine is primarily indicated in heart/blood vessel disease, wound care, neurological disease (Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, MS, ALS, post-stoke and others) and liver disease. However, because of its broad spectrum of activities it is used in anti-aging medicine, detoxification, kidney disease and many others.