Blood Electrification
The idea of using electricity, generated by a torpedo fish, to treat neurological and other disorders dates back to the Roman Empire. However, it was not until the 18th Century that advances in understanding electricity, combined with technological advances in electrical devices, made electrotherapy a real possibility. One of the theories that gained a widespread following was that of “animal electricity”, a term coined by Luigi Galvani to indicate the inherent electricity in the nervous system of all animals, including humans, that was the “animating force” of life. Galvani’s theory came from his observations of movement in the legs of dead frogs using electrical charges.
Physicians and inventors such as Otto von Guericke, Johann Gottlob Kruger and others continued to experiment with electrical applications in medicine. One of the out-front physicians touting the benefits of electricity in medicine was the itinerant physician Dr. T. Gale. He proclaimed the importance of electricity for the future of medicine in the first American handbook in 1802, ‘Electricity or Etheral Fire, Considered”, on the theory and practice of medical electricity
Advances continued slowly in electric medicine with the discovery of antibiotics and other modern medicines. However, in 1991, two physicians – Drs. Steven Kaali and William Lymann – from Albert Einstein’s College of Medicine presented a paper at the First International Symposium on Combination Therapies, March 14th, 1991, in Washington D.C. that documented the ability of microcurrents to disable bacteria, viruses and other blood pathogens without harming healthy tissue. After learning of the discovery, Bob Beck, a retired physicist, reasoned that with the correct instrument the blood/ circulatory system could be electrified through the skin. Hence Bob Beck’s blood electrification protocols were born.
We are, at our base, purely electrical in nature; our bio-chemical and physical form/structure is nothing more than the physical representation of our “energetic self”. Pulsing electrical microcurrents (gentle currents that both stimulate and nourish our natural energetic system) into our blood either percutaneously via the wrist arteries/veins (closet vessels to the skin) or directly into blood, can stimulate and enhance our body’s innate electrical and hence self-healing mechanisms.
Advantages of blood electrification:
- Reduces blood pathogens – the discovery that lead to the Nobel Prize in Medicine went to, two Australian physicians who discovered that stomach ulcers and stomach cancer are caused by the bacterium, H. pylori. This fact has given credence to what many physicians and scientists believe; that is that many diseases that we say are of unknown origin or cause, are actually the result of chronic infections. These diseases include cancer, Multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, most auto-immune diseases, most neuro-degenerative diseases, heart diseases and many others.
- Increases energy production
- Supports the immune system
- Supports all cellular functions
- Calming effect by balancing the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
- Free electrons are the ideal anti-oxidants, agents that neutralize harmful free radicals, which are responsible for most disease and the chronic degenerative changes of pre-mature aging.
- Increases detoxification
- Increases circulation
- Accelerates healing
We use blood electrification combined with PEMF (pulsed electro-magnetic field) therapy, ozonated water and colloidal silver to enhance our blood electrification protocols.