“Whether you are aware of it or not, our body emits measurable bio-energetic waves (bio-electromagnetic body field) all around us. This is what worldwide Traditional Medical Practices have been aware of for thousands of years, calling this energy by different names such as Chi (Chinese Traditional Medicine), Prana (Indian Traditional Medicine), Ka (Ancient Egyptians), Aura (Western Cultures) and others.
Acupuncture (Bio-Energetic Medicine) is coming of age due to our understanding of Quantum Physics, the ability to measure this energy and understanding the relationship between our electromagnetism and our physiology. Acupuncture unblocks and corrects the informational-energetic body fields (meridians) enabling our body to use its fabulous innate intelligence to heal itself.
Informational-energetic changes occur before disease is manifested in overt physical signs, symptoms, abnormal laboratory values and imaging studies are able to detect them. Acupuncture, therefore, has the very real potential to prevent pre-mature illness and maintain health.
Our Acupuncture Meridian Assessment and Acugraph devices provide an objective and accurate quantification system which allows us to verify the efficacy of our point selection(s), ensuring the optimal diagnosis and treatment. In this way, both practitioner and patient actively participate in the healing process.”