Mission Clinic

......curing the incurable


Ozone (Oxidative) Therapy

Ozone or energized oxygen is a gas (O3) with a multitude of both industrial and medical uses. Ozone use began is 1871 and there was an increased use during World War II to treat infected wounds.

Ozone use is safer than aspirin when administered by a trained professional, however, inhalation of ozone gas is extremely irritating to the lungs. We administer ozone either intravenously, rectally or topically. The major benefits of ozone are that it increases metabolic efficiency, optimizes immune function and improves circulation. Ozone, like many orthomolecular therapies, has a fundamental action which enables the body to re-balance and heal itself.

If high concentration ozone is injected directly a tumor or other abnormal tissue e.g. an infected or enlarged prostate gland, it will destroy that tissue. This has is called “Ozonolysis Tissue Destruction”.

Direct Intra-venous (DIV) Ozone Administration – DIV ozone detoxifies and super oxygenates the entire blood volume in less than 30-minutes. The blood is saturated with ozone without ever leaving the intra-vascular space.

DIV O3 is used to treat a myriad of diseases and the list is getting longer every day. It may also be the ultimate anti-aging medicine. The following is a list of some of the more common diseases that DIV O3 is used to treat:

  1. Cancer
  2. Cardiovascular, Stroke and Obstructive Peripheral Vascular Disease
  3. Diabetes Mellitus and its complications
  4. COVID (both acute and long), HIV, Hepatitis, Herpes Simplex, Lyme Disease and all manner of viruses, bacteria, parasites, yeast and fungus.
  5. Chemical sensitivities
  6. Macular Degeneration
  7. Chronic bladder conditions
  8. Inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease and most forms of colitis
  9. Auto-immune disease including, but not limited to, Rheumatoid arthritis, Ankylosing spondylitis, Lupus and others.
  10. Eczema and Psoriasis
  11. Lipid disorders