Heavy Metal, Biotoxin & Organo-Chemical Detoxification
We live in a beautiful but increasingly toxic world where we are constantly exposed to heavy metals that significantly impair our health. We now know that heavy metals (mercury, arsenic, lead, cadmium, aluminum and others) play a major role in most, if not all chronic degenerative disease.
Though we do not sense heavy metals the usual sense, we are constantly exposed to them through air and water pollution, personal care products, insecticides, medicines and even food. Our bodies have excellent detoxification systems; however, the sheer volume of heavy metal toxins can easily overwhelm our detoxification systems. This leads to storage (and constant exposure) of heavy metals in our lymphatic, circulatory, vital organs and especially fatty tissue.
Even though our bodies can handle very low levels of heavy metals, scientists are discovering that what we previously called “normal ranges” are actually too high. Heavy metals act as poisonous obstructions to our energetic and metabolic systems (creating free radicals, disturbing cell architecture, reducing cell membrane fluidity), and are significant causes of high blood pressure, prostate disease, heart disease, chronic fatigue, brain/cognitive function decline, cancer, pre-mature aging and other chronic degenerative diseases. Therefore, no matter how good our diet, exercise, nutrition and therapeutic interventions, they will not work optimally if we have toxic levels of heavy metals.
Chelating agents (EDTA, DMPS, Chlorella) are usually administered either orally or by rectal suppository, however, can be given intravenously in severe cases. Chelating agents preferentially bind to toxic metals and as the body has no use for the chelating agents, the chelating agent-heavy metal complexes are eliminated by the kidneys.
Chelating agents bring benefits to the entire heart/vascular system, brain and other vital organs and are therefore extremely important for maintaining optimal health.